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"Well, hello and Welcome to the world of Era Nova! Next, I'm going to tell you all the rules of Metamining, as well as the principles behind it."
Dear Lucky ones
- Meta Joker
In your world used to be that hard work and chance bring SUCCESS, yet in my World, I AM the source of Success and I give it to whoever is ready to accept my Ethics - the Ethics of the Golden Rule

I attract the lucky ones, I multiply their bravery and positivity and turn it into Success. Why am I doing this? All because the most of "serious" people have turned this World into a cesspool, and I have too sensitive sense of smell. That's why I got into the business of cleaning it up. In my own way. How else?
I'm doing exactly what I'm destined to do - to bring Luck to my like-minded people. Surely a Joker-Smile shines on Your face, for You have found the source of Success. For Chance is a great mystery.
And out of the multitude, it is You who met Fortune at your doorstep. Let's see how are you taking an advantage of this chance
If a meta-network is a lamp, then I am a genie in it, and all your good wishes and intentions are doomed to be realized if you follow the rules of my meta-game. Exactly as with your parents - their house - their rules, my house - my rules! Due to the fact that joy and positivity always reign in my domain, I continue the revolution that was started by the invisible Forces of the crypto-industry - my dwelling

As the result of Metamining revolution this New World opens up our eyes to the "old" world, in which the laws of social hypocrisy reigned, because of that humanity stopped appreciating Life and enjoying it.
That's why a little revolutionary shaking is good for everyone!

This game is a complementary part of the revolutionary approach of Metamining and Meta Joker - a unique technology for expanding Homo Consciousness, through the activation of innate Indigo Genes. This is an accelerated and effective way to awaken the dormant qualities of Genius, which is expressed in Metamining.
Metamining Rules
Repeat this formula, as the decision taken and as the command to your space, mentally or out loud, 7 times in a raw. You may do that EXCLUSIVELY every day, right after your awakening, while your Conscious is clear. Repeat it playing, with no tension. Just program yourself for a harmonic resonance with Life and World
Hold the NFTs up to 7 weeks, then, understanding its value, resell it further. Though keep using the success formula, - it says with you even after the Conscious activation. The goal is to becoming the owner of the meta-mascots one-by-one, make harmonized all the seven energetic centers in yourself, activating the Pineal gland. Thus expand your consciousness - becoming a enlightened Person Reasonable, Homo Sapiens
Keep the favorite number of Fortune 7 in its price. And also sell it with the different asset than the one you bought it with (bought ETH - sold ETH - no; bought ETH - sold MATIC - yes)
PS. All the Formulas of self-improvement work even without paying for them, any material values. The first rule of the game can and should be applied, and without the purchase of the NFT-talisman. Formula of success always works for all who believe in it and in themselves. The formula is most effective when its value is treated with care. But fulfilling the Compensation Principle (buying/selling NFTs) balances, simplifies and accelerates your Paths to Success.
Also, Benefit Token World (BTW) will be credited
to your wallet within 7 days.
Sincere intention to share success with others and unconditional belief that you are the Source of Success; Success only works by following the Golden Rule of Morality - "do unto others as you would have others do unto you.
Therefore, buckle up, dear friends, we're going to take off to the highest levels of Conscious evolution! Here and now a disclosed fundamental mystery of self-development stands before you, that in order to revolutionary boost up one's evolution, it takes always, - hear me out, my Friend, it's important! ALWAYS smile and intentionally, with one's smiling, keeping the positivity level in your conscious on a mark - “confident happiness”!

Thus, in that cheerful and Noble state of Soul exactly, you may start to explore, these quite simple three rules of Metamining:
PS. The Code of Genius doesn't activate without mandatory and systematical execution of this rule!

What is P2B?

As we all already know, the metaworld is a much broader concept than just virtual games, and it is a combination of virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR), NFT, blockchain, WEB 3.0, cryptocurrencies, social media and more.
So, while VR, AR and MR are some of the most important elements of the meta-universe, which essentially offer users a three-dimensional virtual experience with the effect of presence, let's consider what place Metamining model and Meta Joker project have in this meta-cocktail, what exactly do they represent, right?

P2B (Play-to-Benefit) - play to do Good - You want Good for yourself - do Good for others!

- P2B is a mental format of play and relationships based on the Golden Rule of Morality - "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you," with the win-win principle. Essentially, a game without losers is when you become richer by helping someone else get rich (to get rich spiritually, intellectually and financially), such as the NFT game Joker Smile.

- On the basis of Metamining there is an NFT-game model of the WEB 3.0 level, which is based on the energy-informational exchange between people, the exchange of intellectual, creative and monetary energies by the Law of Attraction (similar attracts similar).

- P2B model, Metamining principle and Meta Joker project, born in the Crypto-universe where the Like-Minded Player is part of the New Age initiative, aimed at building a better World and Personality, a better Ethics and Morality. This is expressed in the idea that in different ways transforms this World into a better place for Man's life. P2B and Metamining allows Man to be always in creative resonance with earthly Life and inner World!

As you have already understood, Dear Friends, the entire project is based on the principles of the Main Ethical Rule - "Do for others what you want for yourselves". By doing this we remind each person that he or she is in fact a Reasonable Man, that the Earth, the Home where he or she lives, is as much a living organism as he or she is.

As a living organism, the Planet is constantly evolving and improving over time. And at the moment the forces of Earth evolution are unleashing another way of development of Human Civilization, a way which we know under the names: Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, P2B, P2E, NFT, Metaverse, WEB 3.0, VR...

This new round of Meta-Evolution shows Mankind that it is by its nature, the Creator of the reality of its World and its Destiny, and that each nation living on Earth has its historical and evolutionary destiny aimed at the development of the entire Planet as a living organism. And the development of Mankind as a single Family of equal personalities. There are no good or bad nations. Each nation over the centuries contributes to the creation of One Humanity as an Intelligent metaphysical Part of the Universe.

The more each nation preserves the Golden Rule of Morality, the fuller its contribution to the common cause of Evolution. As long as we do not see each Person as Himself, no one from Above will let us out into Space because then for the Universe we will be a contagious infectious virus with a nuclear cudgel at our side, sowing confusion, discord, anger and hatred all around us. This is why you and I must create peace, harmony and beauty on Earth. Each piece of the Earth must be like a well-cleaned room, without cigarette butts, scraps of polyethylene and plastic. Our state of Spirit and health depend, above all, on the cleanliness of our Home, the Earth.

- Always Yours, M.J. and my creative Collective have created a playful meta-structure that allows people to freely and without fear dispose of their personal data, intellectual and creative property, rights and lives.
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